Wednesday, September 3, 2008

On Minimalization

(And on the more discreet notion of risk.)

Do not look at sentences sideways. Do not insert commas where periods are sufficient. Do not elucidate, subjunctive, or retract. Do not nickname. Above all, do not nickname yourself. Do not abbreviate when what you want is an intimacy. Do not whisper to the sister with whom you share a small bed. Do not share a small bed. Do not sleep deeply enough that you wander from the house.

Do not wear a face that says precious. Do not be anti-precious. Be sincere but not overly-so. Do not be aggressively sincere. Do not be a girl who plays softball. Do not play softball and do not hang out with other girls. Do not be a girl who curls her eyelashes. Do not love to see how she would look if she were bound. Do not love eyelash curlers. Do not love bondage. Know that other girls can see you. Know that they may be tempted to feel betrayed. Do not be a girl. Do not love the bondage of being a girl. Do not be tempted. Do not feel betrayed.

Do not believe in hell more than you believe in other things. Do not discover masturbation in the 3rd grade. Do not masturbate. Do not ask god to strike you with diarrhea or stomach pain. Do not believe in alcoholism, vegetarianism, or tongues. Do not cry nor practice fuck with your mouth. Do not shower in the house alone. Do not shower at night. Do not lock the door but always close it. Do not yell at anyone who enters because this may anger them and they may become suspicious. Do not make a spectacle of your struggling. Do not hide yourself but do not pick a fight.

Interrogate any pleasure relentlessly. Do not participate. You may find casual encounters to be the most obscene. Do not count the telephone poles as you pass them. Do not imagine you are a table saw. And then a wash. Then a crowd. Do not smoke cigarettes at a young age. Do not practice smoking cigarettes at a young age. Behind a locked door in the bathroom at the mirror. Do not fixate orally. Do not look at yourself. Do not remember you have a jealous hole for a mouth.

1 comment:

Sommer said...

TC you should read poems at Pete's in the spring. will you send me your email address? sommerbrowning [at] hotmail [dot] com ??